
No events
January 23, 2023

World Bank project in the Republic of North Macedonia

Started with 15.12.2022, the Republic of North Macedonia initiated a World Bank-project. One goal of…
December 01, 2022

Website online

The Website is online since december 1st
April 09, 2024

Visit to the Center of Functional Assessment in Skopje

During the partners' stay in Skopje and as part of our activities, we had the…
April 09, 2024

Visit to an inclusive primary school in Skopje

In addition to visiting the Center for Functional Assessment in Skopje, the partners visit the …
December 01, 2022

Project started

The project ICF-Plan started on october 1st
July 09, 2024

Piloting event in Skopje organized by 'Education for All' Skopje

On December 11, 2023, we held an event at the Cultural Center "Dimitar Vlahov" in…
May 23, 2024

Moldovian high level stakeholders meeting on Early Intervention in Graz

Graz, 22.5.2024: Stakeholders from diverse sectors (health, social..) participated in a Unicef supported meeting in…
July 31, 2024

Mainstreaming success of ICF-PLAN

It was the goal of our Erasmus+ Projektes icf-plan to implement ICF-based support plan in…
March 13, 2024

Mainstreaming of ICF Plan results in North Macedonia

There has been exchange with Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) of the Republic of…
April 18, 2024

Mainstreaming Meeting with representatives of the Styrian Government

Thursday, 18th April, a Mainstreaming Meeting with 2 representatives of FA 11 (Department of Social…
January 25, 2023

Kickoff Meeting

The project Kickoff Meeting was held on November 3rd, 2022 in Graz.Get the protocol as…
March 13, 2024

ICF-Plan presented at the Symposium on Inclusive Education in Ohrid, North Macedonia

The project results have been presented at the Symposium on the topic of the Effects…
January 23, 2023

ICF-Mini Conference in Çorum, Turkey

A mini-conference was organized by Çorum RAM, one of the project partners, on 20 December…
June 13, 2023

ICF workshop held in Abu Dhabi

An ICF workshop has been held in Abu Dhabi from12 to 16 March 2023. The…
April 11, 2024

Fourth project consortium meeting held in Skopje

The fourth meeting of the partners in the "ICF-Plan" project was held in Skopje on…
November 03, 2023

Conference ECER 2023 Glasgow

The European Conference on Educational Research - ECER 2023, the largest educational research conference in…
March 07, 2024

Common event at PPH Augustinum - in cooperation with PH Steiermark in Graz

On March, 6th 2024, an event on ICF plan took place in graz. More than…
April 09, 2024

Book on ICF by Dr. Pretis published in Macedonian

The book titled "Planning, Formulation, and Verification of Participation Goals: ICF Simplified" by Prof. Dr.…
November 03, 2023

Article about ICF plan published in Czech Republic

Prof. Pretis recently published an article about the use of ICF tothether with parents in…
November 08, 2023

3rd consortium meeting ICF PLAN

Within the 3rd (online) consortium meeting te feedback of the Austrian National Agency was discusssed…