Praxisvolksschule der PPH Augustinum
As part of the "Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum", the Praxisvolksschule (PVS) is the operational partner in this project. In addition to 5 institutes and 7 BAC and MEd studies, the Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum (PPH Augustinum) also offers practice transfer opportunities for its students. The department of practice transfer is the Praxisvolksschule with 24 pedagogical professionals and 165 students. PPH Augustinum's educational and research activities can thus be linked to practical piloting and validation by teachers and students. The Praxisvolksschule is a private, separately run (morning classes and afternoon childcare are not interleaved) all-day school with public rights. It implements proven, progressive pedagogical concepts based on current scientific findings and develops methods for forward-looking learning processes. PVS is a compulsory school with mixed-age classes and quality basic education for all students, supported by different pedagogical focuses (Montessori, Jenaplan, Inclusive Education). School partnership is understood and lived as active cooperation with regard to the design and further development of the school. Mag.a Kerstin Öttl, BEd is educationalist, a special educator and the principal of the Praxisvolksschule. She has many years of experience in supporting children with special needs and is currently working on her doctoral thesis in the field of inclusion and digitization. In her work as a school developer, the Praxisschule went in cooperation with atempo (a leading inclusive social enterprise in Austria), School Assistant Service of Lebenshilfe Austria (an organization for learning difficulties and other disabilities).
Dipl.Päd. Elisabeth Angenbauer, BEd is the class leader in one of the Montessori classes at the Praxisvolksschule. Is Deputy Head. She has many years of experience in supporting children with special needs and also teaches as a professor in the Montessori pedagogy course at the “Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum “. She is currently also working as a school developer in the Praxisschule and is involved in several interdisciplinary projects at the “Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum".
Rosina Haider, BEd MA is deputy head of the Institute for Research, Development and Quality Assurance at the Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum and professor for elementary school didactics of mathematics and science. She developed sustainable models for science and technology teaching and learning processes for kindergartens, elementary and secondary schools. She is engaged in education for sustainable development and environmental education as well as in the development of scenarios for student laboratories.