Çorum Guidance and Research Center

Çorum Guidance and Research Center (Çorum RAM) operates in order to plan, provide, coordinate and monitor special education services and guidance-psychological counseling services, and to monitor and evaluate the services provided. In our institution, 1 manager, 1 assistant manager, 2 department heads, and 1 civil servants provide service. Also, 9 special education teachers, and 3 psychological counselors (testers) in the special education services department, and 8 psychological counselors in the guidance-psychological counseling services department provide service with a total of 25 personnel. In the special education department of our institution, educational diagnosis and evaluation of individuals with special needs, their placement in schools suitable for their individual characteristics and educational needs, re-evaluation of students at regular intervals during the education process, monitoring their development, and education and research and development studies are carried out. In the Guidance-Psychological Counseling Services Department, services are provided in 4 main areas: school guidance and psychological counseling, psychosocial support, individual and group psychological counseling and guidance, and research and development. Our institution was lastly established in 2013, within the scope of the Leonardo da Vinci mobility program, with the aim of making the right decisions in the diagnosis, evaluation, and placement processes of students with special needs, following the education of the students as a result of this decision, and increasing the quality of the work and transactions carried out in European countries. He carried out the project named “Examination of Innovations in the Diagnosis Process for the Education of Children in Special Education in European Countries”, which aims to see and adapt diagnostic methods. With such projects, our institution aims to serve more effectively in the region we are responsible for and to increase the quality of educational diagnosis and evaluation processes throughout the country by sharing the experiences gained with other guidance and research centers.

Corum RAM Website: https://corumram.meb.k12.tr

Corum RAM ICF-Plan Web Page: ICF-Plan Web Page from corumram.meb.k12.tr

Eren Şahin, MSc, PhD(c)

MSc. Eren ŞAHİN is a special education teacher working in Çorum RAM R&D unit, as well as being a member of the project management team. He completed his undergraduate education in the Department of Special Education and his graduate education in the Department of Physical Education and Sports. He continues his PhD studies at the Department of Physical Education and Sports. He has many academic studies (articles, papers, etc.) for individuals with special needs and their teachers. He is the author of 2 chapters in an international book on “ICF as a Child Recognition and Problem Solving Tool”, and he has detailed knowledge and practical experience about ICF.  Contact: Оваа е-адреса е заштитена од спамботови. Треба да ви е овозможено JavaScript за да ја видите.